Common Conditions in Pediatric
& Adolescent Mental Health


22% of children and teens across America live with one or more mental health conditions, and this number is on the rise.1

Due to the nationwide shortage of mental health experts,2 most patients with mental health conditions see their PCPs first.3 This means that PCPs must be prepared to address these concerns in their daily practice.

Join us for “Common Conditions”, a VMAP ECHO cohort focused on teaching skills for integrating an understanding of mental health into pediatric primary care. Here’s what you’ll learn about!

Join us Virtually

3rd Thursdays | 12 to 1 PM
January to November 2024


Registrants may participate in an optional MOC-4 QI Project and earn up to 75 CE/CME points.

CME/MOC package offered at a reduced rate of $50.

Topics Covered

  • Mild and moderate depression
  • Suicidality and safety planning
  • Anxiety disorders
  • ADHD and challenging behaviors
  • PTSD & trauma
  • Pediatric psychosis
  • Substance use disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Irritability and emotional dysregulation

Featured Faculty

Pediatric Mental Health experts from the fields of child psychiatry, psychology, developmental pediatrics, and integrated primary care:

  • Beth Ellen Davis, MD
  • Jitendra Annapareddy, MD
  • Rosa Morales-Theodore, MD
  • Nadia Islam, PhD
  • Haley Stephens, PhD, LCSW
  • Angela Prater, LCSW
  • Percita Ellis, MD
  • Regional care navigators